Goat Shed and Fun With Pinball
Fun With Pinball will be teaming up with Kim from the Goat Shed to host live EM Pinball Troubleshooting and Repair Sessions at Pinball Expo on October 17-19, 2024.
Your hosts Kim, Mark and special guests David, Derek and Keri will lead small group sessions in a dedicated EM Pinball Work Area. There will be several games available to work on over the course of Expo '24. Drop in on as many sessions as you'd like. Sessions will run 30-90 minutes and will be scheduled throughout the show. A detailed schedule will be posted in the EM Pinball Work Area as it develops. To keep sessions small, well attended sessions will likely be repeated.
Sessions will fall into two categories:
1) Many sessions will be devoted to troubleshooting and repairing games in the work area. Investigating failures, reading the schematics, testing theories and making repairs will all be part of these sessions.
2) The remaining sessions will demonstrate specific topics which may include:
- A high level overview/tour inside an EM game
- How to disassemble, move & reassemble a game
- How to rebuild and adjust a flipper or pop bumper
- How to disassemble and clean a score reel or step unit
- How to replace a power cord
- How to adjust switches on relays, score motors, steppers, etc.
- How to use a bulb tester and jumper wire for troubleshooting
- Open Q & A
Stop by the EM Pinball Work Area often (behind the registration desk) to take in a session, or review the developing schedule.
EM Troubleshooting & Repair sessions at Pinball Expo '24