Fun With Pinball

Fun With Pinball is a hands on, interactive exhibit to foster your curiosity,
built from retired pinball machine parts.



Since it's debut in 2013 Fun With Pinball has been shown at Maker Faires, museums, pinball shows and public libraries. The exhibit is comprised of several groups of displays detailed in the links below.

Roto_TargetSmall boards Small boards that focus on a single or small number of devices.
_MG_0619Original games Multiple devices combined into original working games.
Atomic Clock FrontAtomic Pinball Clock The Atomic Pinball Clock which receives the WWVB atomic clock radio broadcast and displays the time.


Things to Learn from Pinball Machines

Beyond the hands on interaction with the exhibit pieces pinball machine components are a great teaching tool.  They offer a fun and tangible way to learn about the science and technology that make them work: